This is a quick one. I got stabbed on monday in the accupuncture point between the thumb and forefinger. Got to say that it wasnt that comfortable. It was supposed to clear my mind, but as Alice and I agree (we were a team) it actually hurt. Yes Im a pansy, but something about having an inch of needle in that pressure point and the twisting and whatnot....good experience though.

Do you get the picture? Its not an "OW" but more of a "hmmm I dont think I like this." You feel a sensation up your arm, and you wonder, "did she hit a nerve? Is this how its supposed to feel?"
Then I tried this suction cup thing which looks really bad, but to the credit of the Chinese medicine, I can say really helped my back feel better. I believe the idea is to suck the bad stagnant blood out of the muscle...I dont know if that is what happens, but it really did make my back feel better.

When Lucy removed the suction things, they left these perfectly round bruises, but the interesting thing is that the bruises were much darker on the side that I know was injured worse, which is exactly how she said it should be....there's more bad blood. Anyways, chalk up another experience. I dont know about the accupuncture, but I put it in the same Eastern medicine family as the suction cups, and I would definately give the suction cups another go. Its been a while since my back felt this good.
Trust a Dad to give you an "I told you so". ;)
Now, why didn't you listen to him before???
I am so glad that your back feels better. I always felt bad for you when you would get a certain look on your face. I knew that you were really hurting.
The face you were making during accupuncture made me laugh though, I thought I should tell you that, wouldn't want you to think that I have gone soft.
So.... now you have back hickies??
Wicked!! Do they only do this to your back, or can they apply the suction cups anywhere? Do they work for headaches? How long can you have them there? Can you stash things INSIDE the cups while they're vaccuum-sealed to your skin? Great storage for change, or gummy bears, I imagine... Let us know how long the bruises last.
Ah ha!! The guy posting with multiple logins explains it!!
I knew you couldn't possibly have this many friends. :p
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