West Lake (at night)

Hi, first I would like to thank everyone for posting witty remarks, because it really makes me miss everyone and reminds me of funny exchanges from back home. Even if I dont directly respond to each remark, know that they are appreciated.
Quick remarks:
You may be relieved to learn that I have friends and I like them. I will introduce them to you as I digress.
Last night, Roberto and I went on a romantic walk on this walkway out in the middle of West lake. This is Roberto...I did not take a good picture, but you get the idea. He sweats alot, but the sweat is also a testement to the weather here at night. The picture at the beginning of the blog is one of the gazebo-type thingies (you like that description?) at West lake. West lake is basically what Hangzhou is known for. The city is built around the lake, and it is a very popular tourist destination. Walking around the lake, Roberto and I could see why. It is like night and day, between the neighborhood of our apartment and that of West lake.
Let me tell you, Roberto is an amazing guy. He speaks so many languages that I had to say, "ok, which ones dont you speak?" to which the German-Italian-Russian-ish accented answer was "Well, there are alot". However, I soon coaxed out of him, that the main-stream languages he does not speak are Portuguese and Swahili...everything else he pretty much has down. He used to own his own business, as well as translate books to Italian. He has written seven books on his own with subjects ranging from Archeology, Esoterics, and Memory. I could go on, but I will save it for later. I also already anticipate the ridicule for going off about Roberto already. Very interesting person.

So here are some other pictures of Westlake. We had a hard time catching a cab so we arrived to the lake after dark, but you still may be able to get the picture.

I didnt really mean to make the one above like a fashion shot, I was trying to get a clear shot of the lights in the background by placing the camera on the ground to keep it steady (you know, low light and all), but then I kind of liked how it turned out....shut up.

You can rent the boats and take them around the lake. There were alot of people walking around, and alot of kids. Some people were flying kites...it is just really a nice place. It kind of reminds me of the part of Disneyland around the Pirates of the Caribbean. I dont know if that is sad that I associate experiences with the Pirates of the Caribbean. I definately want to return when the air is clear. Right now it is sooo muggy that you cant see too much across the lake, not to mention hills and mountains surrounding the lake. By the way, if you like West lake Soup, then supposedly this is where the stuff originated from.
So, here are all of the students that are currently at Manda. Some of the people are teachers...actually all of the chinese people in the picture other than me are teachers. Who's pathetic? Me! I could take you through some introductions...but, ok I will.
This is Jared, my teacher for the first 2 hours every day. Bian (the girl I am standing next to in the group photo) is my teacher for the second 2 hours. She also tutors me alittle after lunch. Everyone is trying to offer me extra help because its obvious who the class idiot is. For example, Bian's name is not really Bian, it is something much more difficult for me to remember/pronounce, so I get the watered down version. See that stuff on the board behind Jared? Thats Chinese. I dont know what it says.

This is Isabella from Spain (on the left), Charel and his wife Laura from Basque. I think I may have butchered their names. They are all very nice, and Charel is very funny. Imagine a guy looking like him being funny with a Basque accent and I think you will have a pretty good idea.

On the right, we have Alice from Italy and Luigi also from Italy. Luigi is a Taichi instructor in Italy (note the shirt) and in the beginning I was pretty sure he didnt like me. I thought he wanted to Taichi chop me through the collar bone, but now I think he likes me. I dont know what happened. He doesnt speak much english, only Italian. Alice I am pretty sure does not like me because she mean mugs me everytime I try to be funny.

This is what happens when busses break down in China when its raining. Ha. Look at the guy in the black shirt. Push someone's butt or do something to help man!

Here on the right we have some whose name I forget, then Alice again, Ian from Austrailia and Lucy. We are on one of the main walkways of the silk market. Hangzhou is known for West lake, silk and tea. Here we are seeing silk. Ian, from what I can tell, is one cool dude. He retired from owning an Italian Gelato company and now just travels the world. Once in a while, he will stop in to collect what he calls "an allowance" from his kids, then takes off again. He is what I have experienced many Australians to be: funny, nice and completely disarming. (so we have an Australian who owns an Italian Gelato company, and an Italian who teaches Taichi...sweet.) Lucy is also very interesting. From what Ian tells me, she is a medical doctor turned language teacher. She has invited me to join her 2:00 tutoring class every afternoon. Apparently word around school is that Craig needs alot of help.
Here is the inside of one of the larger kiosks at the silk market. I would estimate that there are ~70 kiosks on the walkway...which is alot of silk. I picture someone running tiny silkworm sweatshops somewhere in China.
I should get one of those pimp silk robes. They only cost like 50 bucks here. Also, I just found out that I can get a brand new foldable bike from Wumei (Wu Mart) for 50 bucks also, meaning that for a total of 100 bucks I could be riding around town on a collapsible bike in nothing but a silk robe. Its amazing what your money can get you here.

So I was thinking that I had a pretty good day right? I made alot of new friends, saw one of the silk markets, got invited to a tutoring session....I was feeling saucy. So here is my basement and I got to tell you, it still freaks me out. As you can tell, I didnt even go all the way into the entrance, I just stuck my hand around the corner, took the picture, then ran away. The only reason the picture is so light is because of the flash, and even that hardly penetrates to the dark depths....Randy, yes, I think the Grudge lives there. Thanks.
Now to end on a lighter note, here is one more of West Lake.
Take care everyone.

Hi, first I would like to thank everyone for posting witty remarks, because it really makes me miss everyone and reminds me of funny exchanges from back home. Even if I dont directly respond to each remark, know that they are appreciated.
Quick remarks:
- Yes Kara, those are umbrellas on my shower curtain...what about them.
- Halliday, I did not get charge airport tax probably because I looked too helpless
- Yesterday I saw a dead cockroach in the toilet, meaning one of my roommates found one. It wasnt as big as I was lead to believe, maybe only 2 x 1 inch (or maybe it was a baby), none the less it is still time to close the windows, lock the doors and zip up the suitcase. Paula, if I see one, I will consider catching it, deep frying it and drizzling it with chocolate so you can indeed lick it.
- People pics....got it, I will get on it. Oh and trevor, yes I am asian, and yes I had a camera on me at the all you can eat sushi place, but I was so overwhelmed at dinner that taking a picture of the waitress slipped my mind.
- For everyone commenting about dog...for all I know, I already ate it.
You may be relieved to learn that I have friends and I like them. I will introduce them to you as I digress.

Let me tell you, Roberto is an amazing guy. He speaks so many languages that I had to say, "ok, which ones dont you speak?" to which the German-Italian-Russian-ish accented answer was "Well, there are alot". However, I soon coaxed out of him, that the main-stream languages he does not speak are Portuguese and Swahili...everything else he pretty much has down. He used to own his own business, as well as translate books to Italian. He has written seven books on his own with subjects ranging from Archeology, Esoterics, and Memory. I could go on, but I will save it for later. I also already anticipate the ridicule for going off about Roberto already. Very interesting person.

So here are some other pictures of Westlake. We had a hard time catching a cab so we arrived to the lake after dark, but you still may be able to get the picture.

I didnt really mean to make the one above like a fashion shot, I was trying to get a clear shot of the lights in the background by placing the camera on the ground to keep it steady (you know, low light and all), but then I kind of liked how it turned out....shut up.

You can rent the boats and take them around the lake. There were alot of people walking around, and alot of kids. Some people were flying kites...it is just really a nice place. It kind of reminds me of the part of Disneyland around the Pirates of the Caribbean. I dont know if that is sad that I associate experiences with the Pirates of the Caribbean. I definately want to return when the air is clear. Right now it is sooo muggy that you cant see too much across the lake, not to mention hills and mountains surrounding the lake. By the way, if you like West lake Soup, then supposedly this is where the stuff originated from.

This is Isabella from Spain (on the left), Charel and his wife Laura from Basque. I think I may have butchered their names. They are all very nice, and Charel is very funny. Imagine a guy looking like him being funny with a Basque accent and I think you will have a pretty good idea.

On the right, we have Alice from Italy and Luigi also from Italy. Luigi is a Taichi instructor in Italy (note the shirt) and in the beginning I was pretty sure he didnt like me. I thought he wanted to Taichi chop me through the collar bone, but now I think he likes me. I dont know what happened. He doesnt speak much english, only Italian. Alice I am pretty sure does not like me because she mean mugs me everytime I try to be funny.

This is what happens when busses break down in China when its raining. Ha. Look at the guy in the black shirt. Push someone's butt or do something to help man!

Here on the right we have some whose name I forget, then Alice again, Ian from Austrailia and Lucy. We are on one of the main walkways of the silk market. Hangzhou is known for West lake, silk and tea. Here we are seeing silk. Ian, from what I can tell, is one cool dude. He retired from owning an Italian Gelato company and now just travels the world. Once in a while, he will stop in to collect what he calls "an allowance" from his kids, then takes off again. He is what I have experienced many Australians to be: funny, nice and completely disarming. (so we have an Australian who owns an Italian Gelato company, and an Italian who teaches Taichi...sweet.) Lucy is also very interesting. From what Ian tells me, she is a medical doctor turned language teacher. She has invited me to join her 2:00 tutoring class every afternoon. Apparently word around school is that Craig needs alot of help.

I should get one of those pimp silk robes. They only cost like 50 bucks here. Also, I just found out that I can get a brand new foldable bike from Wumei (Wu Mart) for 50 bucks also, meaning that for a total of 100 bucks I could be riding around town on a collapsible bike in nothing but a silk robe. Its amazing what your money can get you here.

So I was thinking that I had a pretty good day right? I made alot of new friends, saw one of the silk markets, got invited to a tutoring session....I was feeling saucy. So here is my basement and I got to tell you, it still freaks me out. As you can tell, I didnt even go all the way into the entrance, I just stuck my hand around the corner, took the picture, then ran away. The only reason the picture is so light is because of the flash, and even that hardly penetrates to the dark depths....Randy, yes, I think the Grudge lives there. Thanks.
Now to end on a lighter note, here is one more of West Lake.
Take care everyone.
Foldable bike and silk robe. Never before has a more brilliant idea entered into the mind of man. You've gotta do it!
Love your teachers and classmates--what a motley bunch! And with all the extra tutoring sessions, I wouldn't be surprized if you start blogging in Chinese! Well... okay, so maybe not. But I'm positive you'll soon impress yourself!!
Craig you are a blogging machine, I am falling behind. Anyways, the next asian myth I want verified came from a guy I knew who went to Korea and said you could get a BJ while you were getting a hair cut. Now, someone wouldn't just make somthing like that up would they, and Korea and China share a border so theres hope right?
Anyways I'm with you on the straight teeth part, you definitely need to become a regular at this sushi place.
OOOooh, a bit touchy about the umbrellas on the shower curtain are we?? Calm down, it was just a question!! :p
With out a doubt West Lake looks just beautiful. It kind of brought back memories that I have of going to the County Fair and seeing the lights on all the buildings, and since it was during the summer, feeling the heat in the air long after the sun had set. So I guess I don't think that it is too strange that it would remind you of a "certain" *wink* part of Disneyland.
So far I am really loving all of your pictures. You have a great eye with the camera. Are those structures called Pagodas? I don't know too much about Chinese architecture but I thought that sounds right.
Richard sounds like a very interesting person. He is the kind of person that I find facinating to speak with and hear them talk about their life. I think it is just amazing that he is so proficient and so many languages. That's awesome. He one of those people who makes me realize that I am not maximizing my full potential. :o
Your classmates look really interesting. Don't you think the guy in the middle of the front row looks very depressed? You look bewildered. Ha ha!! Such a unique experience that you are having.
Now, about that collapsing bike and the silk robe... I really don't think you should wear the robe and ride the bike at the same time. It might cause a rift in the space/time continuum. Or something. Maybe I'm just thinking of me laughing at you really loudly. Strangely, I seem to be trying to spare your dignity. Or maybe our eyes, I can't decide.
Speaking of blinding things, I think Sheri was on the right track about the roaches, but all you really need is yourself in that silk robe.
I like your random shot of the broken down bus. Clearly, the guy not helping must be the Manager. His job is to supervise!! Push People!! Push!! *cracks whip*
Ok, I'm commented out. Catch you next time!
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