Kung Fu Grip Massage
I found another food that will sustain me. I can say that I actually really like it, and I will actually go out of my way to buy it in the states. I am not sure what it is made of, but I think it will help me safely maintain a lactose tolerance. Would you like to know what it is?
Aloe Yogurt
You probably didnt see that one coming, but its G-O-O-D. It even has chunks of something that I have to assume is aloe. I imagine it lubricating my lower intestines. Its good. If you see it, try it.
Thursday night I went to this open air street market with Mike and I have to tell you that it highly motivates me to do all of my shopping from now on in China. SO inexpensive, and they have everything you could want. You want a gun? They got them! You want a pimp jade ring? They got them! You want a Coach purse? They got something that looks like them, and might actually be them... Seriously, its really cool. Here is a picture:

One of two streets forming an "L" in the street market
So if you are a mom, you are probably reading the part about buying guns and thinking that Im in a crime-zone. Well dont worry because 1: I dont think the guns really work, they look pretty old, and 2: I was noting to Mike that I really dont feel like there is any crime in Hangzhou. He said I was pretty much correct, and the reason for that is that the officials here dont mess around. One of the teachers at school told Mike that they arrested a drug dealer (a decent sized drug dealer) the other day. They let him sit for 2 days in jail, then they said, "Ok, you can go", then they shot him. I dont know if its true, but regardless of whether it is or not, the story is out and will at least deter crime. They dont mess around here and it shows.
Now to add another kind of funny story, Isabelle (shown in a previous picture) told me the other day that she was trying to find the ticket office. She was lost and asked 2 policemen for directions. They tried to tell her where to go but she didnt really understand, but pretended to understand and walked away. So then she is walking down the street trying to read her map, and the same police officers pull up and tell her that they will take her to the ticket office. So she's like: "ok", and gets in the car. They decide that now is the kind of time that you are supposed to use the sirens, and proceed to speed through town to get her to the ticket office. Then the usher her inside, push people out of line, and put her at the front of the line. Then afterwards, one of the policemen gives Isabelle his card and says if she needs anything to give him a call. So the moral of the story is that it pays to be a girl.

This is a guy that I saw selling pieces of a big cake off the back of his bike.
I thought it was cool.
I thought it was cool.
Alittle interesting information for you is that I have found that alot of students at this language school are studying on holiday. Like they have a 2-3 week break and thought that they would learn/brush up on Chinese. Just an interesting concept that I would not have really thought of doing, but totally a different type of vacation. I can definately appreciate it.
On the note of studying chinese, I am going to put this bit of reflection in more for me to look back on, than for your entertainment. I have found a strange satisfaction studying the 3 way connection between English, Pinyin (the pronounciation) and the characters. Most notable, is the interest that I have studying the characters. Some of the combinations that the chinese use to express something (like a feeling) speaks deeply about the nature of man. Example: the symbol for happiness is the combination of a woman and a baby.... and I believe that the word for noise is 3 women. I'm not joking. Just reading this concept on paper does little to glorify it, but when you are actually studying it and trying to comprehend something tangible to hold on to, it makes you feel like you are tapping centuries of history pertaining to the transformation of feelings into writing. ....but then again I also heard that the whole written language was revised about 60-80 years ago...so maybe its all in my head.